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Dear former fellow students and staff of Mt Lawley Teachers College, welcome aboard this wonderful project. There are two parts to this. Glen is writing a monograph and the chapters are available here. It is entitled: “Mount Lawley Teachers College A New Concept in Teacher Education”. It is an excellent read!

Because so much information abounds regarding the history of MLTC, I am also collecting information for what may be called the “real story” – about your thoughts, feelings, recollections of the time it existed. Please feel free to contact any others you may know, who may like to be part of this, as the more the merrier.

It is around 50 odd years since Mt Lawley Teachers College emerged. It has been through a number of iterations and turned into WACAE and ECU. I have been lucky to have been there every step of the way as a student and as a staff member (ECU). As the campus will be turned over to Mt Lawley High School in the future, I would like something to remember my youth and how much this institution shaped my life.

In my project, as opposed to Glen’s, which is somewhat more academic in nature, I am after memoirs of the people, who shaped the place. I put up some questionnaires, but these don’t allow much verbiage. I would love people to send chapters of their time at MLTC. If there are any pictures and memorabilia to share, this would also be fabulous.

I have a DropBox set up to go. If anyone wants to send me anything, just send me an email: and I will add you to my DropBox. If we run out of room on this site, I will set up subsidiary sites for specific purposes. I look forward to hearing from you.



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